Direct flight from Banaras airport to Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, know ticket rate

News Desk : If you want to go to Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore from Banaras Airport in Uttar Pradesh, then there is good news for you. Because daily flights are being operated from here to these cities. Passengers can book tickets through online.

Let us tell you that Indigo and SpiceJet flights are flying daily from Banaras to Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore. You can check the flight schedule and enjoy the airline by visiting the official website of these companies.

Direct flights from Banaras Airport to Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, know the ticket rate?

The ticket rate from Banaras airport to Chennai in the month of September is Rs 3956.

The ticket rate from Banaras airport to Mumbai in the month of September is Rs 4125.

The ticket rate from Banaras airport to Bangalore in the month of September is Rs 4119.

How to book tickets: If you want to travel from Banaras Airport to Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, then you can check the flight schedule by visiting the website and book flight tickets through online .

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