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View land records from home in Patna, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur

People of all districts including Patna, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur in Bihar can now see the record of their land sitting at home. If you are buying land, then you can know the length and width of the land and its type from the name of the land owner through online.

In Patna, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur, you can get the record of any land from the Khasra number. Also, before buying land, you can know whether the land is residential or commercial. You can build a house on that land or not.

See the record of land sitting at home in Patna, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur?

1. To see the record of land in Patna, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur, you open Google in your mobile phone and search the website of Bihar Revenue and Land Reforms in it.

2 You first click on the name of your district by searching the direct website in Google.

3. After this you click on the name of your zone. Then select your Mauja and Village. The name of the land ryot will appear in front of you. You click on it.

4. You can also check the record of the land from the Khasra number and know who has the ownership of that land.

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