How many decimals in a kattha in Patna, Bhagalpur, Nalanda, know?

In Bihar, land is bought and sold in Patna, Bhagalpur, Nalanda every day. According to the latest report, the measurement of land in Bihar is done by Kattha, Bigha and Dismil. Today we will try to know about this topic that how many decimals of land are there in Patna, Bhagalpur, Nalanda in one kattha.

According to the news a kata in Bihar varies from 750 ft² to 2000 ft apart from this it can be 32 ft in length and 30 ft in width respectively. Katthas are different in all the districts of Bihar. Therefore, you must keep this in mind while buying land.

1 Katha = 1.625 Dec(720 Sq.ft) in Bhagalpur

In Patna 1 Katha is generally equal to 1361 ft.

in South Bihar and Patna

20 Katha in 1 Bigha,

20 axles in 1 katha,

20 Dhurki in 1 axle,

3.125 Decimals in 1 Katha

435.56 ft2 (Square Feet) in 1 Decimal

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