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How to view Khasra-Khatauni of land in Purnia, Buxar, Arrah

People living in Purnia, Buxar, Arrah of Bihar can now see Khasra-Khataini of their or someone's land through online. According to a report, a website portal has been created to see all the information and records of land in Bihar. By visiting the portal, you can get complete details of any land.

How to see the Khasra-Khataini of the land:

1. People living in Purnia, Buxar, Arrah can visit the website of Revenue and Land Reforms Department, web portal to see Khasra-Khatauni.

2 . You can go to the website and select the name of your district.

3. After selecting the name of the district, select your zone name.

4. After this you choose the name of your Mauja.

5. After doing this, see your Khasra account number.

6. Now you can see the Khasra-Khataini of the land. Simultaneously, you can know the name of the land owner and can also see the boundary of the land and the map of the land. Not only this, you can download this Khasra-Khataini for free and take a print out.

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