UP Board started preparations: 9th to 12th class syllabus will be divided in 32 weeks, subject experts were given the responsibility of preparing the format of which subject will be taught in which week

  • The Syllabus Of Class 9th To 12th Will Be Divided In 32 Weeks, Subject Experts Were Given The Responsibility Of Preparing The Format Of Which Subject Will Be Taught In Which Week

33 minutes ago

In the 100th year of its establishment, the UP Board is going to take a step towards the formative assessment of children. For this, a workshop of subject experts has also been done and soon a proposal will be sent to the government to implement it in more than 28 thousand schools. Initially it will be implemented in class 9 and after that it will be implemented from 10 to 12. Suggestions have been sought from experts as to the types of activities to be selected for the development of these competencies. How to integrate activities into the session with classroom teaching. What will be the standards for measuring the competencies of students and how to record them. It is under consideration.

According to the experts present in the workshop, the focus is on how to use the results of the formative assessment of the students. According to the new education policy, the syllabus is being divided into week wise. The entire course is being divided in 32 weeks. Subject experts have been given the responsibility to prepare a blueprint for which topic will be taught in which week. The courses are being divided into three parts. First, the topics prescribed for classroom teaching, second topics to be taught through digital platforms and third the topics to be covered under the project.

Due to the increasing importance of digital education in the Corona era, we will continue it further. After the course bifurcation will send to the government for approval and then implement from the next session. Apart from this, emphasis will also be given on educational and character development, development of group working style, development of leadership ability and speech skills and development of national spirit.

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